Thursday, July 11, 2013

Comedy is one of the Spices of Life

Comedy is one of the spices of life that creates a positive emotional response.  Comedy creates laughter which releases endorphins in our brain.  Serotonin and Dopamine are released, which cause a powerful chain reaction in our brain.  So many doctors want to prescribe medication to alleviate the symptoms caused by depression.  They do this to line the pockets of the pharmaceutical companies which in turn scratch their back with kickbacks.  Instead of medication, I believe people just need to laugh more.  It is hard enough to deal with the challenges of life without this key ingredient.  Surround yourself with people who like to laugh and you are on the way to the right path.

Now Comedians are the magicians that make this happen.  Some of my favorite comedian include Mark Lowery,  Russell Peters, Ron White, Larry the Cable Guy, Bill Cosby and Jeff Foxworthy.  These guys take ordinary life issues and find humor in lifes most obscure moments.  Comedy to them is like air to us.

I would encourage you to look thru the glasses of comedy and find it in everyday life.  Sometime even thru difficult situation we can find a positive spin of comedy.  Humor is all around you and just waiting to be discovered by our quirky brain patterns.  You make be the only one that finds something funny and this is ok.

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